We are always recruiting for various roles at Reynalds Cross. If you'd be interested in working at the school, please have a look at our vacancies page
Over the past year we have been looking at securing a new catering service. I am pleased to share with you that Relish will be our new catering provider from September. For those of you who have not heard of Relish, they have a passion for providing
You can help Reynalds Cross School's chances of winning a £500 donation by signing up to support us on easyfundraising today! easyfundraising lets you raise FREE donations for us every time you shop online. Over 7,000 brands will donate, in
On the 6th of July, 608 Vets in Solihull and other vets in their chain (Linnaeus) will be running 220 miles to raise funds for Reynalds Cross Special Needs school in Olton. The pupils at Reynalds Cross will be joining in the final leg. 
Unfortunately at the moment we still have no phone lines working. We do however have the Internet again, so please email the office at office@reynalds-cross.solihull.sch.uk or Dojo for any messages. We will update you as soon as its resolved.
Unfortunately our phone lines are currently down. If you need to contact school please dojo the office. As our phone lines are down this also affects the entry gates into school. If you are arriving at school please press the button for Langley schoo
We are organising a volunteering day for our Key Stage 3 pupils on 9th May and would like to plant some large wooden planters for outside the main school entrance. If you, or anyone you know might be willing to donate the planters, co
Voyager Class have contributed some artwork to be part of the Solihull Fairtrade Trail! See if you can spot it in Solihull shop windows! Scan the QR code in the above picture or visit solihull.gov.uk/your-future-solihull/fairtrade-fortnight
Family Support are holding a bouncy castle and refreshment session on Sunday 12th February in the hall at main school site. Cost is £2 per child and accompanying adults are free. There are separate sessions for lower and upper school,
Following the success of our disco last November we are pleased to be able to offer a Valentine themed disco. It is to be held at the main site on 16th February from 6 – 7.30pm.
Leaflets will be sent home with pupils shortly.
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