Welcome to
Reynalds Cross is a safe, supportive and fun environment that nurtures individuality and enables every child to flourish to be the best they can be.
We are proud of all the work we do and celebrate successes
We build trusting relationships through open and honest communication
We work together to create and uphold an environment where everyone feels respected, valued and supported
Our safe, caring environment is filled with fun and happiness
Welcome back everyone! We look forward to welcoming all of our new and existing pupils and hearing about your holidays. We hope you all have had a fantastic Summer break.
What a fun day we all had at our Renny Day Fun Run last week It was great to see so many parents and carers running with their children, and thanks to your generous sponsorship we raised a fabulous £800.00 to go towards funding playground equipment across both of our sites. We have next year's Renny Day booked for Friday 04 July 2025 so save the date! We're already excitedly planning for it to be an even bigger and better event.
Moonbeams class had a visit from some ponies. They were able to walk them around the playground as well as groom and feed them. A big thank you to Let's Enable for coming to visit us again!
Venus Class have had lots of fun exploring rhyme and rhythm during music sessions. Pupils have been copying beats and creating their own music on the smartboard.
This term, our School Council pledged to support our local food bank. We held a non-uniform day and asked pupils to bring in any food or items to be donated. As you can see from the photos, we received plenty ! A big thank you to everyone who donated, to the School Council for organising and to Community Essentials - Food Bank & Pet Food Bank