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Curriculum & Learning

Remote Learning

Remote Learning at Reynalds Cross 

What is remote learning? 

Remote learning is the work we are providing pupils who are working at home due to the COVID-19 pandemic.  It is for pupils at home due to lockdown, pod closure or self-isolation and, in all of these cases, the class team will aim to provide appropriate activities linked to work that would be completed at school in a format that accessible for the child or young person.  Schools have a statutory duty to provide remote learning. 

What types of remote learning do we offer? 

Once the need for remote learning is identified, parents are asked to advise us which type of remote learning would work best for their child and the home circumstances.  The three different options are shown below. 

Virtual remote learning 

This will include both live and pre-recorded online sessions and activities. 

Activity pack based remote learning 

This will be a personalised activity pack which can be worked on at home in the child’s own time. 

Pupil led home learning 

This option is for parents who need to focus on keeping their child safe, especially if there are particular challenges in the home environment. 

How do we keep everyone safe? 

We use software with appropriate security for our virtual remote learning and we are asking all parents to consent to the ‘Remote Learning Agreement’.  This outlines learning and behaviour expectations and is available to read here: 

In addition to this, we are doing regular ‘check ins’ either via DoJo or on the phone to find out how things are going when pupils are not in school. 

Further information about remote learning 

Remote learning support 

  • Jacqui Lucas – Head of Upper School – 

  • Laura Birch – Sunshines Class Teacher –